The texts in foreign languages in the choice:
- A Case against Functionalism/ by Maria Ossowska - “The Polish Sociological Bulletin” 1966 no. 1 s. 3-5.
- Can Ethics Be Systematized?/ by Maria Ossowska – unpublished lecture delivered at Bernard College in 1960.
- Fictitious Beings in Sociological Definitions/ by Maria Ossowska.- “The Polish Sociological Bulletin” 1961 no. ½ s. 17-20.
- Human Motivation
- Moral and Legal Norms/ by Maria Ossowska.- “The Journal of Philosophy” Vol. 57: 1960 no. 7: 31 March, p. 251-258.
- Moral Norms in Defence of Independence/ by Maria Ossowska - “The Polish Sociological Bulletin” 1977 no. 3-4 s. 5-20.
- Remarks on the Ancient Distinction Between Bodily and Mental Pleasures/ by Maria Ossowska.- “Inquiry” (Oslo) Vol. 2: 1961 p. 123-127.
- The Concept of Generation/ by Maria Ossowska - “The Polish Sociological Bulletin” 1963 no. 1 s. 5-8.
- The Problem of Universal Ethical Standards/ by Maria Ossowska; [transl. by Róża Jabłkowska].– “Studia Filozoficzne”: nr obcojęzyczny 1, 1962 s. 129-139. skróc. wersja art. w j. pol., „Studia Filozoficzne” 1957 no. 3.
- The Science of Science/ by Maria Ossowska and Stanisław Ossowski- "Minerva" 1964 No. III p. 72-82
- Value-Judgements in our Conceptual Apparatus/ by Maria Ossowska.– “The Polish Sociological Bulletin” 1968 no. 2 s. 22-30.
- Divers courants de la pensée morale./ par Marie Ossowska.- “Revue de l’Université de Bruxelles” [no.] ½: Octobre 1959/ Février 1960 , 14 p.
- Existe-t-il un système morale qui mérite le nom de système?/ par Marie Ossowska.– “Theoria: a Swedish Journal of Philosophy and Psychology” Vol. 26: 1960 nr 3 p. 210-223.
- La nation d’égoïsme dans ses rapports avec divers types de relations sociales/ par Marie Ossowska.- “Revue Philosophique” 1950 Juillet/Septembre, p. 267-279.
- Morale et religion
- Physique morderne et attitudes morales/par Marie Ossowska- "L'Homme et l'atome" 1958 p. 61-78
- Quelques remarques sur l’idéde la nature humaine